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structured sessions build strength, mobility, & prevent injury

We sequence through mobility, strength, conditioning, and regeneration. The results: greater relative strength, work capacity, and improved body composition.

Expect a component of every 60-minute class to focus on the following:

  • Mobility development

  • Corrective exercises

  • Proprioception (balance & body awareness)

  • Strength and Conditioning

  • Cool-down & stretches

  • A team mindset of encourage / improve / inspire

team or strength are the 2 program tracks you’ll train in, based on clearance:

Allegiate Team and Allegiate Strength programs are our main programs. Which one is best for you depends on you, your athletic profile, experience, previous injury history, and what will get you the best results in the least amount of time by preventing injury. Team & Strength are both total body strength training programs. They are 3-day per week programs, broken into 3 workouts or “practices” as we call them. Each practice has a variety of different exercises but focus on a main movement each day (for example, practice 1’s main movement might be a squat, practice 2’s a vertical pull, and practice 3 a hinge like a deadlift). Members track their progress on ipads with our training software, so you know exactly what weight you should go up to for your next session.


Team is: advanced athletic strength training

Elite-level strength & condition programs and movements.

  • Three day, periodized program rotates every four weeks between two blocks: accumulation (body composition/capacity focus) and intensification (power or strength focus).

  • Every Team member has an individualized workout card that coaches use to track weights and progress.

  • Workout in groups of up to 18 people.

  • Designed for intermediate and advanced members.

What goes into being cleared for Team?

Clearance depends on each person. We all have different body types, previous injuries or surgeries, different ranges of motion, and different experience levels (like former college athletes or someone just getting started). In the clearance process (done in your first class or in a functional movement screen) our coaches assess range of motion, risk of injury in a barbell program, and other important variables we’ll use to put you into the best program that’ll get you the best results, in the shortest time, and mitigate injury risk.


Strength is: no BS strength training

Getting strong doesn't need to be complicated. Strength is a stripped-down way to build lean muscle, and cultivate your athletic physique.

Strength lowdown:

  • Simplifies a number of barbell movements, incorporates more kettlebells, and focuses on timeless strength-building exercises.

  • Every Strength member has an individualized workout card that coaches use to track weights and progress.

  • Workout in a group of up to 18 people.

  • Designed for new, intermediate, and advanced members.

what to expect in your first session

Which classes are for you and how’s it work? Though we have a handful of different classes, “Team” and “Strength” are the main programs you’ll be a part of.

Here’s a map of your first session. Have a look to know what to expect & how it works!