6/12/24 - Behind The Block

BTB - Year 5 Block 4 - 6/12/24

There is a concept called Central Governor created by Timothy Noakes. The premise is that we have this built-in control that dictates how far, how fast, or how heavy we can go during performance. This is a theory, so it is not 100% proven. But there is a certain level of how our knowledge of the perceived difficulty of something can impact how hard we are willing to work. 

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For those keeping track at home, this is officially our 50th block.

We have gone through a really diverse array of programs over the last 49. This can conjure up certain feelings of how you may have felt during individual blocks. Each block leaves an impact, some may say a scar others a fond memory, both physiologically as well psychologically. 

This block has left a huge impact on those that have gone through it. It is called 6-12-24. The premise is to accumulate both high volume of work and high density with a single movement pattern. A specific movement pattern will go through a sequence of Heavy/Moderate/Light loaded versions as we attempt to accumulate more work. A lower number of repetitions will allow for heavier weights to be used. This follows the same logic works in reverse, an increase in repetitions dictates the weights we can use to be lighter. The process of increasing repetitions and lowering the weight is focussed on the intent to increase work with a given movement pattern. 

We have done this protocol twice: Block 5 and Block 21. This was in Year 1 and Year 2, so this will be new for some, but too soon for others. These high work/high density blocks are incredible for building muscle with the associated muscle groups. It is also a great protocol to burn calories and subsequently fat. Depending on the goal this could create excitement or dread of what's to come. 

After you go through your first set you will immediately try to think of ways you can strategize. The best strategy is to maintain position, ROM (range of motion), and hitting the repetition scheme with as much effort as possible. Trying to game this is when the Central Governor comes in. The more familiar we are with a protocol or the less motivated we are can lead to a lowered Central Governor, which can be a problem if we do not realign this with our goals. 

The Central Governor is not this restrictive entity that holds us back from the world we want to live in. It is a trainable quality that we can reorient to give us a higher threshold through training. The idea of RPE at the end of the workout is that if we were to do the same exact workout twice, the second one would be easier. This never happens because we are always progressing in some manner, but the idea is we have raised our Governor from one workout to the next. 

This will be someone’s first time going through this. There will be a collective look of confusion, mouthing to someone else in the room “how many reps?” The hope being that someone with experience will give sage wisdom or come back and say “no you heard that wrong, coach said this.”

But you heard it correctly. Yes it is that many reps that many times. And you most certainly now know the point. 

Block out everything else and focus on getting as many quality reps as possible. When that Governor kicks in, the decision to push through and try to get this done as efficiently as possible. Remind yourself that this is leading to a larger more functional purpose - look and feel better. Embrace the suck!

Tell your Governor to fuck off and grind out every rep with great position, full ROM, and hitting each of those 6, 12, and 24 rep sets with as much effort as humanly possible.

Good luck.
