For body comp improvement, use this simple time-tested program
Vince Gironda
BTB Year 7 Block 7 Gironda 8x8
If you have not heard of Vince Gironda, you should have. He is one of the most influential people in the entire fitness industry. He changed the way we viewed training and dieting. The ripple effect off Gironda is immense and what we’re about to do this block was one of his staple programs: the Gironda 8x8.
The way Vince executed this plan was performing 8 sets 8 reps at a fixed weight as quickly as possible. To get great body composition and muscular development, he stressed the importance of density with great execution.
Let's unpack this program a little more.
First it is 8 sets of 8 reps, or 64 total reps. This by itself is an amazing approach to adding lean muscle. Performing sets of 8 is a tremendous stimulus for putting on muscle mass. The repeating of that for 8 sets compounds the effects of one set by creating more residual fatigue and metabolic waste. This can lead to the metabolism of fuel, for example glycogen in the muscle and liver. Breaking down fuel and building fatigue leads to lipolysis, or fatty acid oxidation.
This is the central tenet of high-intensity interval training. Build enough volume within a certain period of time, density, and you will increase the expenditure of all fuel substrates in the body. The building blocks of body composition are fatigue and tension, which we get in boatloads with Gironda’s 8x8.
The other component is the density-based progressive overload. Specifically a ‘compressing’ Density based Progressive Overload. Meaning we are doing the same work (force x distance) just in less time. The adaptation is merely reacting better to the same stimulus each week. We become more adept at responding to fatigue along with using available energy. Which comes in using more fatty acids faster.
This is a phenomenal protocol for so many reasons. This protocol has been copied so many times. Chances are, you’ve done a copy of a copy of this protocol several times over – for instance something like German Volume Training (GVT). With GVT, it's not Density based (Intensity Progressive Overload), but still has the same underlying physiology.
We can say a lot about Vince with his contributions to nutrition such as steak and eggs breakfast, supplements with liver tablets, muscle architecture and exercise mechanics. But the 8x8 protocol to me is one of his most significant. It speaks volumes about the personality Vince had, which was built on hard work and consistency.
Training at its core should be challenging. We need to progress to doing something as challenging as 8x8, but that is a reward. The reason we can do something like 8x8 is because we prepare constantly. And that preparation – constantly being ready – is to me what Vince would want.