This Week At Allegiate

We're submitting our reopening proposal to the City of Redondo Beach to get more clarity on reopening


Last Sunday, we put out our reopening plan and what we’ve done thus far to prepare. If you missed that email, you can read it here

Though we don’t have a reopening date yet, this week we’re submitting our reopening plan to the City of Redondo Beach.

In summary, we believe the way Allegiate is uniquely organized caters to the best practice protocols. And we think our plan makes a good case for how we can reopen. For example: 

  • Our facility layout with 6 squat racks works with social distancing guidelines.

  • The open garage door facilitates airflow through facility without HVAC.

  • Members have their own squat rack with individual equipment - no sharing needed.

  • We’re a strength-training program, not a heavy-breathing cardio or running workout.

With a few additional adjustments outlined in last week's plan, we believe we can safely reopen.

You can read the official reopening proposal we're submitting to the city here

Do you know a Redondo Beach city official we could get our plan in front of and talk to? 

A warm introduction would be a great way to start discussing our plan with them. 

Please email

In other news:

  1. Your digital programs are fresh this week! New workouts!

  2. We’ll continue the classes each weekday at 7 am and 6 pm.

    1. Arm Farm Thursdays at 6 pm.

    2. 6 pm Friday is the happiest hour on the internet with the official Allegiate Happy hour. 

Thank you for supporting Allegiate.

Thank you all for your continued support and hanging onto your memberships as long as you can. It literally is the only we'll get through this, be able to retain our staff, and open up again.

The sincerest thank you from all of us at Allegiate. 

Stay strong. 

cody romness