the allegiate nutrition blueprint

learn how to win with nutrition in a video course that’s easy to execute, built to sustain, and modeled off behavior-changing neuroscience

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Never have to learn about nutrition again

This is a 12 step, video nutrition program that’s easy to follow and built to sustain – so there’s no more confusion with nutrition

Winning with nutrition and staying dedicated long enough to see results is intimidating. There’s a lot of information out there and we’re not sure if it’ll work for us or how to execute. We’ve all asked questions like “What about Keto?” “What about fasting?” “Should I avoid carbs?” But even if you think you know what to do, following through feels impossible because forming new habits is hard. But it doesn’t have to be that way. People are winning with nutrition. People are making great nutrition decisions and sticking with it. But for these people, nutrition decisions are a habit – they’re automatic. So how do you get to that point?

The Allegiate Nutrition Blueprint teaches you exactly what to do and exactly how to do it. Like our strength training programs, this nutrition program is built on timeless, proven concepts that are actionable in the short term and sustainable in the long term. This is about what works and developing habits that positively change your life.

Have you ever read something and immediately forgotten it? Or taken in a bunch of content only to remember a takeaway or two? We live in information overload and retaining information is hard. But to implement change in your life with nutrition, you need the right information, to retain it, and to put it to use. And we designed the Blueprint with all those things in mind.

Each video module ends with a “challenge” – challenging the competitor in you to immediately implement what you learned. Tap your competitive edge in a fun way that builds new, positive habits by using habit-changing neuroscience.

Structurally, the Blueprint starts with lifestyle habits, moves into micronutrients & energy balance, and finishes with higher-level strategies (like routines and supplements). For previous members, this product is an updated and improved version of our original Blueprint 1.0.

Designed and written by Co-Founder Tim Caron (an expert with multiple nutrition certifications, applicable degrees, and a Momentous Performance Engineer) the Blueprint is what works, what to avoid, and how to follow through to see results.

This video course is for people who want a bonafide plan, customizable to their goals and body type.

It doesn’t matter how much weight you want to lose or gain, or how much you know or don’t know about nutrition. Beginners and people with much more nutrition experience will benefit from this course (or your money back*)

Great nutrition follows universal principles – don’t get caught up in fads or trends. Change how you run your life with new and better habits.

*OUR GUARANTEE: We stand by everything in this course. If you’re not satisfied after finishing the blueprint, we’ll give you your money back. You must actually follow the instructions outlined and complete the course or you may not be eligible for refund.


Get 15% off by using the promo code: blueprint

PLUS: all purchases get a FREE video lecture (a $150 value) adding additional context to the blueprint’s design, dispells what doesn’t work with nutrition, and a behind-the-scenes insight at which models the blueprint is based on.


The blueprint is broken into 3 blocks, each one 4 weeks long:

  1. Proven habits

  2. Macronutrients and Energy Balance

  3. Higher Level Strategies

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Pricing and options:

Video only: $199 one-time payment.

  1. Access as long as you’re a member to all 12 modules.

  2. Habit tracking in bridge athletic.

Full Package: $299 - one-time payment.

  1. All of the above plus

  2. (3) 1x1 consultations with a coach to help with accountability, implementation questions, supplementation recommendation, and help customizing the blueprint to you.

Who’s the allegiate nutrition blueprint For?

  • lose weight

  • gain weight

  • improve sleep

  • improve lifestyle

  • improve your approach to nutrition

  • build new habits

  • make a lifestyle change

  • know exactly what to do and how to do it

  • people who are advanced with nutrition

  • people who are just getting started.

The blueprint is NOT for you if:

  • you want a premade meal plan

  • you aren’t ready to put effort toward making a change


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  1. Once you purchase the blueprint, you’ll get an email with next steps.

  2. The Habit Modules are in the “more section” of the Allegiate App. Exact instructions of what to do and how to do it are included in video modules.

  3. All Other Modules are in the “video” tab of the Allegiate App or viewable on your desktop with a link delivered in your email. Only customers who purchase the blueprint will have access to the video content.

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"Our goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success." - Pablo Picasso