This loading scheme tests physical and metal grit


Summary of this block:

  • Rep Scheme: 4x6-8, 2x10-12

  • Exercise rotation: Back Squat, Pullup, RDL, Low Incline Bench

  • Recruit higher threshold motor unit/fast twitch muscle fibers with preceding sets (4x6-8)

  • Continue utilization of higher threshold motor units/fast twitch muscle fibers along with lower threshold motor units/slow twitch fibers during Back Off Sets (2x10-12)

This block is going to crush your spirit (through muscle destruction) but in a good way! 

You have to think what does Accumulation even mean? Literally, it is specific stress through volume. Figuratively, how much can the human spirit actually endure for four weeks? That is the essence of Accumulation blocks, it is the convergence of targeted physiological stress combined with psychological resilience. For the ones who just really want to get to what the hell we are doing, it is 4x6-8 with a ‘Backoff’ of 2x10-12.

Why Back Off Sets? Hypertrophy really comes down to how much tension we can place on a muscle. Muscles respond to stress by adding more contractile units or changing the architecture of the tissue (adding contractile units in different areas or adding more non contractile tissue). In order for anything to happen, there has to be tension to elicit that response. 

How much tension we can create is both physiological and biomechanical. We are sticklers for range of motion and position to ensure we create tension in specific areas, this is biomechanics. Physiologically we can increase the stress by forcing the area to recruit more motor units and force more adaptation with the muscle fibers those motor units recruited. 

We recruit motor units and subsequently muscle fibers based on demand. Heavier or faster contractions recruit motor units that innervate faster twitch fibers. The demand requires muscle fibers that are less fatigue resistant but capable of creating stronger/faster muscle contractions. Same is true for lighter/longer contractions. We recruit more fatigue resistant fibers to meet the demand of longer durations. 

The order in which we recruit those fibers matters. When we utilize a ‘heavier’ weight for less reps, we recruit the motor units that innervate faster twitch muscle fibers. When we ‘Back Off’ we are still recruiting those faster twitch muscle fibers along with the slower twitch muscle fibers. This results in greater overall tension relative to just sticking with the same set/rep/TUT scheme. 

In a sense we can look at the preceding sets to the Back Off as prelude to what will actually create hypertrophy. We ramp up the motor units along with the muscle fibers utilized and continue that momentum when we Back Off intensity with higher rep/longer duration sets. 

Your confidence and ability will be challenged. Some will crush the preceding build up sets. Some will crush the Back Off Sets. Where one will thrive, they will alternatively try to survive in the counterpart. Your spirit or your muscles will be pushed to its limits eventually, your only option is to rise to the occasion and let Allegiate turn you into the person you always dreamed of!
