This blog will cover what you can expect from Phase I of your Allegiate Nutrition Blueprint.

In Phase I, our main goals are to: 

  • Learn more about you and your goals

  • Find the most reasonable direction for you using the Readiness to Change and Motivational-Skill models

  • Cover the foundational habits that are essential for your short-term and long-term success.

Let’s unpack each of these pieces listed above.

Learning more about you and your goals

Just as with training, we don’t believe one-size fits all. That is why Phase I will be centered around getting to understand your personal situation, and fitting solutions to your unique lifestyle.

While we are all human, individual context is crucial for optimal results. Better personal understanding will allow us to sharpen our solutions and prescriptions.

To supplement this understanding, we will also be using the Readiness to Change and Motivational-Skill models.

The Readiness to Change and Motivational-Skill Model

When it comes to nutrition and lifestyle changes, it can be hard to decide how much change is necessary and reasonable.

And deciding this is arguably the most important part. Because just like training programs, a person's adherence to a nutritional program makes or breaks the outcome.

This is where the Readiness to Change and Motivation-Skill models come in (Visual below).


The Readiness to Change Model is how we ask, “How bad do you want this?”.
Beyond the obvious question, “What do you want?” , we ask “Why do you want this outcome?”.

If someone hasn’t fully decided their “Why”, they are in the contemplation stage (seen above).

By understanding what stage they are in, we can prescribe a realistic plan.

Going all out with counting calories, macronutrients, meal prepping, advanced supplementation isn't a good idea for someone in the contemplation stage.

However, being in a later stage on the model might justify using a more complex strategy.

Once we’ve assessed readiness to change, we will look at the Motivation-Skill model.

This model ask,” What are you willing to do for this goal?” (Motivation). And “What is your ability to execute?” (Skill).

This is important because there are a lot of people that are very capable from a skill standpoint, but have lower motivation. This requires a strategy that has a lot of short-term and immediate success.

In contrast, someone with low skill and high motivation will be more resilient against setbacks – because they’re more motivated. But, their steps might need to start off simpler.

Having dialed in what change is necessary and reasonable, your blueprint will then equip you with the foundational habits for success.

The 5 Foundational Habits for Improved Health and Performance

We all have different genetics, training experience, nutrition needs, responses to stress, previous injuries, and diseases.

So when it comes to health and nutrition, it would be impossible to say that there is a “one size fits all” solution. Yet– there are fundamental truths and habits that every human must have as a baseline to maximize potential.

These habits are:

  1. Sleep 8 hours per night

  2. Drink ½ Your Body weight In Ounces of Water

  3. Eat 8 Servings of Veggies a Day

  4. Have Protein at Each Meal

  5. Earn Your Carbohydrates

Each of these habits will be explored in-depth, and translated to fit into your lifestyle.

Before we get into complex strategies, establishing these habits will ensure you have the basics to improve your health and performance. And as we progress through the blueprint, these habits will be our base to build off of.

In Conclusion:

Phase I will lay the foundation for your future consults and success. And by the end of the consultation, you will have a sense of direction and some powerful tools to make immediate improvements.

Your next consult will provide us with an opportunity to review and expand on Phase I.

To learn more about your next consult. Check out the “Blueprint Phase II” blog post.
Link in the email “What to Expect” email.

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