Allegiate Tech: Bridge - The App That Tracks Everything


Allegiate Head Coach and Co-founder, Tim Caron, breaks down Bridge.

Bridge Athletic is the app we use on the iPads attached to the squat racks. It tracks your wellness, weights, RPE, and everything program-related. There’s also a mobile app if you want to download it and see which workouts are on which day. Bridge shows whichever program you mainly participate in – Allegiate Strength or Allegiate Team.

The best way to use your data is to leverage how you feel in the weight room any given day. If your readiness isn’t at a perfect 5/5 because you’re stressed, or you didn’t sleep well, the goal shouldn’t be to push you past your limits. Injuries happen when you push your body when it least expects it. Lowering the weights to prevent injuries might be the best option for you that day to prevent injury.

On the other hand, if you’re at a perfect 5/5 readiness then maybe the best option for you is to increase the weight and push yourself a little bit more.

Overall, the goal is for you to be able to train at least 3x per week, injury free, and with incremental improvements being made week after week, month after month, and year after year. At Allegiate, we want you to train smarter and safely using scientifically proven methods and data driven analytics to make sure you can train at your best every single session.

Watch the videos below to learn:

  • What Bridge is and how it helps our members

  • What metrics members track daily during their training sessions

  • How Allegiate uses wellness and RPE scores to better manage workload for long-term health

VIDEO 1: Before the workout

  • What information gets tracked

  • How bridge tells you what you need during your session

  • Why tracking data helps you get better and better incrementally

VIDEO 2: during the workout

  • Why you should track your weights every session

  • How we incorporate progressive overload weeks 1-4 of every training block

  • Are you getting the most out of your training?

VIDEO 3: after the workout

  • Why your post workout Rate of Perceived Exertion is important data

  • Is there harmony between how hard you trained and what week of the training block you’re in?

  • What you can do to make sure you are progressing incrementally for sustainable long-term health

VIDEO 4: how it all comes together

  • Tying wellness, weights, and RPE together to make the best training choices in the weight room for you every single training session
