Allegiate Head Coach and Co-founder, Tim Caron, breaks down this month’s STRENGTH training block.

The big overarching theme here is “less reps, more weight”. Block 7 was higher in volume with a rep scheme that was 5 sets of 8 reps with a 2/2/X/0 tempo. Block 8 has less volume, but more intensity and the rep scheme looks like this: 5 sets of 5 reps with a 5/0/X/0 tempo.

Also, members are testing their Key Performance Indicators this block (we call them KPI’s at Allegiate). The goal of KPI’s? To objectively see how members are adapting to the program. We measure this by testing two body weight exercises that measure relative strength. You’ll do as many reps as you can for bodyweight bench press and strict pull-ups. If you can’t do a bodyweight bench press, you’ll do push-ups. If you can’t do pull-ups, you’ll do a pull-up hold. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠

If relative strength improves, the total system improves. If relative strength goes up, we’re adding lean muscle, improving body composition, getting stronger, and losing body fat. ⁠⁠

If you’re a new member, this’ll be the first time you test and we’ll get your baseline. If you’re a veteran member, let’s see where we’re at. ⁠⁠

Lastly, we’re progressing the movements from last block. Watch the videos below to learn how we’re doing it for Allegiate Strength practice 1, 2, & 3.

STRENGTH Year 5, block 8: overview

  • Building off the work & movements we did in the previous block

  • How to get more results with less external loads

  • Key Performance Indicators and what they mean for our members

strength YEAR 5, BLOCK 8: PRACTICE 1

  • Progressing the goblet squat

  • How we get more results with less load

  • Using slides to get more friction than the foam roller

strength YEAR 5, BLOCK 8: PRACTICE 2

  • Why do we add depth to these exercises

  • Increased range of motion = increased intensity

strength YEAR 5, BLOCK 8: PRACTICE 3

  • The Good Morning, but with a Med Ball.

  • How we increase the length of the muscles being worked

  • Practice 3 = Heavier loads than Practice 1 & 2

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