Stage Ascending - Year 5 Block 6

Block 6 - Block Ascending 

This block will have a focus on Hypertrophy, or building muscle.

The idea is to use heavier weights and then more reps to get as much muscle growth as possible. Using a sequence of the same weight for two sets before adjusting hope makes the nervous system think the weight will be the same and increases the results in regards to hypertrophy.

We are effectively setting up the stage for 2 sets of 8 with a 3/0/X/0 tempo with four ‘priming’ sets. This is going to be complemented by utilizing movements that accentuate the end range by adding with a ¼ contraction or a movement with increased range of motion, which only increases the demand. 

The program works in a unique way in that it goes up in reps and subsequently down in intensity in ‘Stages’. It becomes two sets of four, two sets of six, and then two sets of eight. The last two sets will be the portion of the workout that will require the most effort due to us being under fatigue and will be at the intersection of highest relative intensity and volume. 

This is a unique format because the body is anticipating the same intensity but then transitions to a higher volume. When there are straight sets, or multiple sets in a row with the same weight and reps, the nervous system perceives this to continue on. It does so by recruiting more motor units, more muscle fibers, and different types of muscle fibers. The end result is that we take this increased output of each muscle when the volume is highest creating more hypertrophy.

This is the point of any protocol we use. It is leveraging a particular set, reps, tempo, and intensity or order of exercises to garner more output. We want to increase results from the order of sets, reps, and intensity to create more hypertrophy. It was the point of our last training block where we leveraged a heavier loaded movement prior to a plyometric to create more power. Or doing six reps and twelve reps prior to doing twentyfour reps. 

It’s important to understand that as we progress through the set and rep scheme we prioritize the goal. Lower rep sets are associated with heavier weight. Higher rep sets are associated with lighter weight. As we progress from two sets of four, to two sets of six, and to two sets of eight we are going down in weight and while increasing reps. Higher reps with maximal tension are most associated with increasing muscular size. The goal being to increase lean muscle mass, we want to tease out as much from our sets of eight as possible. This rep scheme is a unique way to leverage that outcome. 

Creating tension at end range is an important aspect of this program. We are using exercises that include either 1 & ¼ or increased ROM (range of motion). What this does is increase tension by increasing demand at end range. As mentioned, increased tension is one of the primary components of hypertrophy. Adding this to our Stage Ascending Protocol only accentuates the outcome. 

You have probably noticed some new equipment in the weight room with the landmines. We’re going to use the new stuff with exercises in the workout. You will see us do this with various squatting, hinging, pulling, and pressing exercises immediately to bring some more variation to our workouts. 
