How the waitlist and trial currently works at Allegiate

There’s currently a waitlist for new members to join Allegiate. We made this decision because the adjustments we made for COVID limited some class capacity and new trials put a strain on our members booking classes.

If you’ve been notified that we have a spot opened up, scroll down to the bottom to purchase your membership.

How the waitlist and trial works:

The waitlist works on a first-come, first-served basis. If a member leaves Allegiate, we’ll bring a new member in.

In the past to try Allegiate, we had a 1 week unlimited trial for $29. Currently, because of covid, we aren’t offering the 1-week trial because it puts too big of a strain on our class capacity. Here’s what we’re doing instead:

  • If you want to try allegiate, we’ll call you as soon as a spot frees up on the waitlist.

  • You get our lowest priced membership for your first month at Allegiate. Total cost: $189/mo.

  • If you don’t wish to continue after your first month, we’ll refund 50% of the $189 charge.

  • If you want to continue, you can stay on your current membership. Or upgrade to a membership that includes our more advanced class “Allegiate Team.” Our membership rates are here. After your first trial month, the membership won’t automatically renew.

How Allegiate classes work: Team & Strength

Though we have a handful of different classes, the two main classes you’ll attend are called “Allegiate Team” or “Allegiate Strength.” Both classes are 60 minutes, have the same format, and include total body strength & conditioning, plus a stretch at the end.

The main difference between Team and strength is the level of complexity of the program.

  • Team is our more advanced & complex program. It contains higher-threshold, barbell movements.

  • Strength is less advanced and kettlebell/dumbbell-focused.

The first class to start with is Allegiate Strength, no matter your experience level.

In your first class, we’ll do an assessment and evaluation to determine if you’re cleared for Team or not cleared for Team. The goal of the screen is to put you in the program that’s best and safest for you.

  • If you’re cleared, you have access to all classes. You don’t have to pick Team or Strength, you can go to all of them.

  • If you’re not cleared, you’ll have access to all classes except Team.

Our full class schedule is here.

Questions? Text us: 424-247-8279 or email us:


After your purchase, the first class you should take is “Allegiate Strength.” Go to the schedule tab on our website to book your class.
